Elevating Hunter Bell’s Brand and Business Operations


Fractional COO
Fractional Executive Team
Brand Bible
Head of Ecommerce and Marketing
HR Management
Paid Media Management Launched Ecommerce - Built Shopify Store


 Hunter Bell (HB) initially sought assistance in developing a new website, but it soon became clear that broader challenges needed to be addressed:

  • Underperforming Website: The existing website was not delivering the desired results, with low traffic and conversions.

  • Lack of Clear Branding: There was no consistent brand identity or story to engage customers.

  • Missing Team Structure: HB was operating as a solo buyer for ecommerce and needed a team to support growth.

  • Need for Strategic Alignment: The business lacked a clear strategic direction, and HB required help positioning the company for potential investors.


  • Growth in the first year after experiencing substantial growth, more than doubling its size.

  • Growth in the second year due to continued strategic efforts resulted in further significant expansion.

  • Years as a loyal client of CDFC, a testament to the ongoing success and value delivered.

Hunter Bell Summer Collection

Website Redesign and Ecommerce Management:

The website was completely overhauled to improve performance and better reflect the brand’s identity.

Devin managed all aspects of ecommerce, driving a 250% growth in the first year. This success led to the hiring of an ecommerce manager, and the business continued to grow by another 125% in the second year.

Over the following years, the ecommerce team expanded to five members, and the company achieved record sales, including hitting seven-figure monthly sales in the fourth year.

Devin also managed all paid media teams, ensuring cohesive and effective marketing efforts.

Hunter Bell Fall Collection

Brand Development:

A brand bible was created, defining a strong and lasting brand story that continues to resonate with customers.

Hunter Bell Stripe Collection

Business Structuring and Strategic Leadership:

Devin transitioned into the role of Fractional COO, helping to structure the entire business. This included handling HR, hiring key team members, and making critical decisions across all departments.

Buying and planning processes for ecommerce were completely revamped, optimizing operations and setting the stage for sustainable growth.

Devin also played a key role in positioning HB for investor interest, securing investment, and reporting to the executive and board teams on a monthly basis.


